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© Mezar 2024

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Born of multiple roots, Mezar is a project inspired by the billions of dust particles that each of us sows along the way. From this wandering through the pursuit of life, we explore the possibilities of a music whose boundaries move with the times.
After winning the Prix Révélations Radio-Canada in Montreal in 2019, the nomadic souls behind this post-Diwan project moved to France to write their new album.

“Sohan” was released in May 2024 with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. It invites us on a poetic journey inspired by the encounter between an astronaut and a Tuareg united in their quest for a lost star. A fantasy of a meeting between Hasna El Becharia and Brian Eno, who join forces to explore the unknown paths of memory and reinvent the figure of the nomad driven by boundless curiosity.